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SSO (Single sign-on)

To simplify access to Happo you can let users sign in to Happo using your own Identity Provider (IdP) using the SAML protocol. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to configure different Identity Providers. If you can't find your Identity Provider here and the general instructions aren't specific enough to get you through the setup, don't hesitate to reach out to us at and we will provide hands-on assistance.

General instructions

The following section provides high-level instructions to how the SAML integration works with Happo. More specific instructions are available further down in the article.

Happo setup

The SSO settings for Happo are available on the Access Control page for your Happo account. If you haven't already done so, you need to reach out to Happo to unlock the settings for your account.

There are 5 fields to fill in:


When users initiate a SSO sign-in without the context of a Happo account, we first ask them to identify the account using a domain. Once that step is done, we initiate the sign-in over on the IdP that you have configured. The domain isn't always needed to initiate the sign-in, as in the case of a user landing on a URL leading directly to a Happo report for a Happo account.

Issuer ID

This field is usually provided to you from your IdP when you configure/add Happo as an application. But it can also be something you choose yourself. In case the IdP doesn't provide one for you, try using<accountId>/sso/entityID here (where <accountId> is your Happo account ID -- find it in the location bar when in the account dashboard).

Entry point

This URL is provided by your IdP. It's sometimes called "SSO URL", "Entry point URL" or something similar.

Logout URL

If your IdP supports Single Log-Out (SLO), you can enter the logout URL here. If not, simply set this to


Happo will verify all incoming SSO requests using the public key provided by your IdP. Happo validates the assertion signature, not the response signature.


When an SSO session is successful, Happo will assign the user one or more of three roles:

  • Regular user
  • Administrator
  • Reviewer

By default, all users that are allowed to sign in via SSO are considered Regular users. These users have access to and can review reports, and they have basic access to some other account specific pages (like the dashboard).

If Happo finds a "roles" attribute in the incoming SAML data, we will look for the strings "Happo Admin" and "Happo Reviewer". The lookup is case-sensitive, so make sure capitalization is right. If "Happo Admin" is found, the user is made an administrator of the Happo account.

If the Happo account is configured to only allow reviewing to be done by users with the "Reviewer" role, setting the "Happo Reviewer" role to certain users will be required.

Google GSuite

Here are instructions for using Google as an IdP. First of all, you need to sign in to your Google Admin Console.

Setup on the Google side

Before we go on and add a Custom SAML app, we're going to update the user schema to add a custom roles attribute that we can use for Happo.

Creating a custom roles attribute

Go to and enter my_customer as the customerId and paste the following as the Request body:

"fields": [
"fieldName": "roles",
"fieldType": "STRING",
"readAccessType": "ADMINS_AND_SELF",
"multiValued": true,
"displayName": "roles"
"schemaName": "Happo",
"displayName": "Happo"

Press Execute and verify that the response is 200 and is shown in green.

Now that we have the new custom role, we can assign it to the right users. Repeat the following for all users that you want to be Happo Admins:

Go to Enter the email address of the user you want to have the Happo Admin role as the userKey. Then paste this in the body:

"customSchemas": {
"Happo": {
"roles": [
"value": "Happo Admin",
"type": "custom",
"customType": "Happo"

Press Execute and verify that the response is 200 and is shown in green.

Now that we have the custom roles attribute, it's time to add a new Custom SAML App in Google. Go to Apps > Web and mobile apps.

Creating a SAML app

App details

Press "Add app" and select "Add custom SAML app". In the form that follows, Enter "Happo" as the app name and provide a description of your choice. If you want to add an App icon, here's one that you can use:

Google Identity Provider details

In the next screen, you'll have a chance to copy some things you will need later:

  • Certificate

You can ignore the Entity ID here, we'll provide our own later on.

Service provider details

The Service provider here is Happo, so here we'll need some Happo specific values.

For ACS URL, enter<accountId>/sso/callback where <accountId> is the ID of your Happo account (go to the Happo dashboard and copy it from the URL in the location bar).

For Entity ID, enter<accountId>/sso/entityID where again, accountId is the ID of your Happo account.

Leave Start URL empty and Signed response unchecked. Also leave Name ID untouched.

Attribute mapping

You'll need two custom attribute mappings: emailaddress and roles.

Select Basic information > Primary email and map it to the string emailaddress.

Select Happo > roles and map it to the string roles.

Submit the form to finalize the setup of the Custom SAML app. Your setup is now all done from the Google side of things, and it's time to configure things on the Happo side.

Setup on the Happo side

On the Access Control page for your Happo account, enter the following properties in the SSO form:

  • Domain: Your own domain, e.g. The domain is used to associate an SSO sign-in with a Happo account.

  • Issuer ID: Enter<accountId>/sso/entityID, where <accountId> is your Happo account ID. This URL needs to be the same one you configured on the Google side, as the Entity ID.

  • Entry point: Copy-paste the SSO URL from the SAML metadata on the Google side.

  • Logout URL: (Google doesn't support SLO, so we just direct people to the start page when they sign out)

  • Certificate: Copy-paste the Certificate from the SAML metadata on the Google side.


Here's a guide on how to use Okta as the IdP. Please note that these instructions are for a regular Okta application. If you're using Auth0, please use Auth0 specific instructions.

Setup on the Okta side

Create Happo application

First, we're going to create a new App Integration in Okta. When you're signed in to your Okta dashboard, go to "Applications > Applications" and click on "Create App Integration". In the dialog that opens, select "Saml 2.0" as the Sign-in method. Click "Next" and enter the following in the form that appears:

Click "Next".

Configure SAML settings

In the "Configure SAML" tab, enter the following values:

  • Single sign-on URL -- Enter<accountId>/sso/callback here, where <accoundId> is the ID of your Happo account. To find the account ID, go to your Happo dashboard and copy the numeric ID from the location bar URL.
  • Audience URI -- Enter any URI that will validate the form here, e.g. "". We will come back and change this later.
  • Under Attribute Statements, set Name to emailaddress and select as the Value.

Finish the SAML settings by going through the "Feedback" section and clicking "Finish".

Transfer issuer URI to Audience URI

In the "Sign On" tab for the Happo application you've just created in Okta, click "More details" in the SAML 2.0 box. Copy the value for Issuer and go back to Configure SAML settings via the "General" tab followed by clicking the "Edit" button in the "SAML settings" box. Click "Next" to skip to the "Configure SAML" tab.

Paste the Issuer value into the Audience URI field and save that change.

Assign users to Happo application

To allow people to sign in to Happo, you need to assign them to it. In the "Assignments" tab of the Happo application in Okta, click the "Assign" button and select either specific users to assign the app to or a group assignment.

Prepare metadata values

Before continuing to configuring the Happo side of things, expand the SAML 2.0 metadata by going to the "Sign On" tab for the Happo application in Okta, and click "More details" to expand and see all values in the "SAML 2.0" section. We're going to use these values next.

Setup on the Happo side

On the Access Control page for your Happo account, enter the following properties in the SSO form:

  • Domain: Your own domain, e.g. The domain is used to associate an SSO sign-in with a Happo account.

  • Issuer ID: Copy-paste the "Issuer" value that you have in the SAML 2.0 section on the Okta side.

  • Entry point: Copy-paste the "Sign on URL" from the SAML 2.0 section on the Okta side.

  • Logout URL: Copy-paste the "Sign out URL" from the SAML 2.0 section on the Okta side.

  • Certificate: Download the "Signing certificate" from the SAML 2.0 section on the Okta side. Open the file and copy-paste all text, including the "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" parts.

Auth0 by Okta

Here's a guide on how to use Auth0 as the IdP. Please note that these instructions do not apply to a regular Okta application. If you're not using Auth0, use the standard Okta instructions instead.

Setup on the Auth0 side

Create Happo application

First, we're going to create an app in Auth0. When you're signed in to your Auth0 dashboard, go to "Applications > Applications" and click on "Create Application". In the form that opens, enter "Happo" (or something similar) as the name of the application and select "Regular Web Application" as the application type.

Enable the SAML2 Web App addon

Under "Addons" for the new application you just created, enable "SAML2 Web App". Copy the following properties:

  • Issuer -- We're going to use that on the Happo side as the Issuer ID.
  • Identity Provider Login URL -- This is the Entry point we need for Happo.
  • Download the Identity Provider Certificate. We're going to use that on the Happo side later.

Configure the callback URL

In the SAML2 Web App dialog, switch to the "Settings" tab. Under Application Callback URL, enter<accountId>/sso/callback, where <accountId> is the ID of your Happo account. To find the account ID, go to your Happo dashboard and copy the numeric ID from the location bar URL.

Scroll down and Save/Enable the SAML2 Web App settings.

Add Happo as allowed logout URL

In your Auth0 dashboard, go to the general "Settings" page (sometimes called "Tenant Settings"). You can click the link in the sidebar menu that says "Settings". Go to the "Advanced" tab. Under "Allowed logout URLs" add Save the new settings.

Adding Happo specific roles

To add roles that Happo recognize, you can use the Authorization Extension in Auth0. From the Auth0 dashboard, click "Authorization" in the sidebar menu. The Authorization Extension will load for you. Once loaded, click on "Roles" in the sidebar menu, then use the "Create role" button. In the form that opens, enter the following values:

  • Application: Select "Happo", then click "Next"
  • Name: Enter Happo Admin (make sure capitalization is correct as this value is case-sensitive).
  • Description: Type "A Happo Admin can manage the Happo account" or something similar.

Press "Save" to add the new role. Then go ahead and assign this role to the right users. When they sign in to Happo, they will have admin abilities.

If your Happo account is set to only allow specific users to review reports, you can repeat the above steps for a Happo Reviewer role as well.

Setup on the Happo side

On the Access Control page for your Happo account, enter the following properties in the SSO form:

  • Domain: Your own domain, e.g. The domain is used to associate an SSO sign-in with a Happo account.

  • Issuer ID: Copy-paste the "Issuer" value that you got from Auth0 in the SAML2 Web App dialog.

  • Entry point: Copy-paste the "Identity Provider Login URL" from the SAML2 Web App dialog on the Auth0 side.

  • Logout URL: Enter https://<tenantId> where <tenantId> is the ID of your auth0 account. You can copy the tenantId from the Entry point URL. As an example, if the Entry point URL is the Logout URL is going to be

  • Certificate: Copy-paste the Certificate from the file you downloaded from the SAML2 Web App dialog on the Auth0 side.


Once you have configured both the IdP and Happo, you can test the integration by attempting an SSO sign-in. There are two sign-in flows that your users might be taken to:

The global sign-in page

When users click the "Sign in" link in the navbar, we show them the global sign-in page. This page has a "Continue with SSO" button. When you click that button you are asked to enter the domain of the Happo account, e.g. Users are then directed to the SSO flow for the IdP associated with that domain. Try entering your domain and continue signing in for a user in your directory. On successful login, the user should see a "Dashboard" link in the navbar, and they should be able to access that page.

The account-specific sign-in page

When users land on a direct URL to a report, we know what account they are trying to sign in to, so there's no need for the intermediate "Enter domain" step. Users land directly on the sign-in page for the IdP associated with the Happo account.

To get a direct link to a report, go to the Dashboard, and copy a URL to a "Comparison" or a "Report". Use this URL in a signed-out state to try the account-specific sign-in flow.

When things go wrong

Don't hesitate to reach out to Happo support at if you are unable to complete the setup or if you run into issues along the way. We can debug things for you and point in the right direction.