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The happo-playwright module makes it easy to integrate a Playwright test suite with


Before you start following the instructions here, you'll need a working Playwright setup and a Happo account.


In your project, install the happo-playwright, happo-e2e, and the npm modules.

npm install --save-dev happo-playwright happo-e2e


Below is an example Playwright spec file. It takes a screenshot of a Hero image on an imaginary page.

// tests/test.spec.js
import { test } from 'happo-playwright';

test('start page', async ({ page, happoScreenshot }) => {
await page.goto('http://localhost:7676');

const heroImage = page.locator('.hero-image');

await happoScreenshot(heroImage, {
component: 'Hero Image',
variant: 'default',

You will also need a .happo.js file with some minimal/required configuration:

// .happo.js
const { RemoteBrowserTarget } = require('');

module.exports = {
apiKey: <your api key>,
apiSecret: <your api secret>,
targets: {
chrome: new RemoteBrowserTarget('chrome', {
viewport: '1024x768',

See for more configuration options.

NOTE: For security reasons, you'll most likely want to pass in apiKey and apiSecret via environment variables:

// .happo.js
module.exports = {
apiKey: process.env.HAPPO_API_KEY,
apiSecret: process.env.HAPPO_API_SECRET,
// ... more config

With Playwright fixtures

If you're using Playwright fixtures, you can mix happo-playwright in with mergeTests.

Here's an example of how to do this:

// tests/test.js
import { test as happoTest } from 'happo-playwright';
import { test as base, mergeTests } from '@playwright/test';

const baseTest = base.extend({
myFixture: async ({}, use) => {
await use('my fixture value');

export const test = mergeTests(baseTest, happoTest);

Then in your Playwright test file, you can use the test function as usual:

// tests/test.spec.js
import { test } from './test';

test('start page', async ({ page, happoScreenshot }) => {
await page.goto('http://localhost:7676');

const heroImage = page.locator('.hero-image');

await happoScreenshot(heroImage, {
component: 'Hero Image',
variant: 'default',


To enable Happo in your test suite, wrap your test command with the happo-e2e script. Here's an example:

npx happo-e2e -- npx playwright test

If you're using yarn, you might have to specify the double dashes twice (the first one is consumed by yarn itself):

yarn happo-e2e -- -- yarn playwright test

If you're not using the happo-e2e wrapper, Happo will be disabled for the whole test suite.

Allowing failures

By default, no Happo reports are produced when the Playwright run fails. In some cases, you might want to allow Happo to succeed even if the overall test run fails. The --allow-failures flag for the happo-e2e command can then be used:

npx happo-e2e --allow-failures -- npx playwright test

If you're using yarn, you might need to pass the double dashes twice, like so:

yarn happo-e2e -- --allow-failures -- yarn playwright test

Selecting targets

If you want to avoid rendering an example in all browser targets (found in .happo.js), you can use the targets option. The example will then be rendered in the specified targets exclusively.

await happoScreenshot(heroImage, {
component: 'Footer',
variant: 'Default',
targets: ['chrome-small'],

In this example, the "Footer" snapshot will only be rendered in the target named 'chrome-small' found in .happo.js.

Dynamic targets

If you want to create a snapshot in a target that isn't defined in the .happo.js config, you can use an object with name, browser and viewport properties. Here's an example where a snapshot is taken in a dynamically generated target:

await happoScreenshot(heroImage, {
component: 'Footer',
variant: 'Default',
targets: [{ name: 'firefox-small', browser: 'firefox', viewport: '400x800' }],

Here, "Footer" will only be rendered in a 400x800px Firefox window.

You can mix and match dynamic targets and target names as well:

await happoScreenshot(heroImage, {
component: 'Footer',
variant: 'Default',
targets: [
{ name: 'firefox-small', browser: 'firefox', viewport: '400x800' },

"Footer" is now rendered in Chrome (target specified in .happo.js) and Firefox (dynamic target).

Continuous Integration

If you run the test suite in a CI environment, the happo-playwright module will do its best to auto-detect your environment and adapt its behavior accordingly:

  • On PR builds, compare the screenshots against the main branch
  • On main branch builds, simply create the Happo report

To get the results of the Happo jobs back to your PRs/commits, you need to install and configure the Happo GitHub app. Instructions are available in the Continuous Integration docs.

Happo auto-detects the following CI environments:

  • GitHub Actions
  • Circle CI
  • Travis CI

If you are using a different CI service, you'll have to set a few environment variables before invoking the test suite:

  • HAPPO_PREVIOUS_SHA the commit sha that the branch/PR is based on (usually a commit on main). Only set this for PR builds.
  • HAPPO_CURRENT_SHA the sha of the commit currently under test. Always set this.
  • HAPPO_BASE_BRANCH the default/base branch you use, e.g. origin/dev. Defaults to origin/main, so you only need to set this if you are using a different base branch.
  • HAPPO_CHANGE_URL a url to the PR/commit. Optional.

Parallel builds

If your Playwright test suite is spread across multiple machines and you want to get a combined Happo report for all the test runs, you can do the following:

  • Set a HAPPO_NONCE environment variable, to tie individual runs together. Any string unique to the build will do.
  • After the whole test suite is done, call npx happo-e2e finalize. Make sure that the same HAPPO_NONCE environment variable is set as for the individual builds.

In some CI tools, you can use a built-in environment variable as HAPPO_NONCE. In CircleCI for instance, you can use HAPPO_NONCE=${CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID}. You can also use a timestamp or a randomly generated string. The important thing is that it's unique to the current CI run.

Email notifications

If you set a HAPPO_NOTIFY environment variable as part of your Playwright run, an email will be sent out when the Happo comparison report is ready.

Usage instructions for HAPPO_NOTIFY is available in the Continuous Integration docs.

Advanced usage

Setting a port for happo-e2e

When you're running the happo-e2e -- wrapper, a web server is used internally. By default, this server is listening on port 5339. If you need to change that, pass a --port argument, like so:

npx happo-e2e --port 5432 -- npx playwright test

Download all assets

By default, happo-e2e will download assets found locally and include in an assets package sent to Any external URL will be left as-is, which means they are expected to be publicly accessible by Happo workers. To include external assets in the assets package as well, set a HAPPO_DOWNLOAD_ALL environment variable.

HAPPO_DOWNLOAD_ALL=true npx happo-e2e -- npx playwright test

With this environment variable set, all assets are assumed to be private (i.e. not publicly accessible).

Clip snapshot strategy

By default, Happo uses the hoist snapshot strategy. This works by selecting the element for snapshotting and hoisting it out of the document to be sent to the workers. This element is then rendered in isolation in your configured browsers for screenshots.

For flexible elements, the default hoist snapshot strategy may cause the dimensions of the element to be different than it was on the page in the context that it was rendered.

If you want your screenshot to be taken of the element as it was rendered in its context on the page, and not in isolation, you may use the clip snapshot strategy.

To use the clip snapshot strategy, pass snapshotStrategy: 'clip' as an option to happoScreenshot:

happoScreenshot(page.locator('.header'), {
component: 'Header',
variant: 'large',
snapshotStrategy: 'clip',

Skipping snapshots

If you run a subset of the tests in your test suite, Happo will show "Deleted examples" in the report. To prevent this from happening, you can pass a --skippedExamples option to the happo-e2e finalize call.

The --skippedExamples option needs to be an array coded as a JSON string. Each item in the array needs a component, variant, and target, all strings. Here's an example call:

happo-e2e finalize --skippedExamples '[{"component":"Button","variant":"default","target":"chrome-small"}]'

Remember to skip examples in all targets you have defined in .happo.js. If you for instance have targets named "chrome-small" & "firefox-large" in .happo.js, you should add two items per snapshot you are skipping. E.g.

happo-e2e finalize --skippedExamples '[{"component":"Button","variant":"default","target":"chrome-small"}, {"component":"Button","variant":"default","target":"firefox-large"}]'

Finding the skipped snapshots can be a little tricky, but a little bit of code introspection could help. Here's an example of a script that can serve as a base:


I need support!

We're here to help — send an email to and we'll assist you.

Happo isn't producing any screenshots

The happo-playwright module will disable itself if it can't detect any api tokens (apiKey and apiSecret in config). Check to make sure your .happo.js config is properly set up. There might also be more information in the console logs from Playwright. Look for lines starting with [HAPPO].

Where are my screenshots?

During test suite execution, Happo will only record information. All screenshots are taken asynchronously outside of the test run. This means that your test suite will finish sooner than the Happo job is done. To follow along the progress, look for a url logged by Happo:


Styles are missing from my screenshots

Styles and assets are collected automatically during your test suite. If you notice styles/images/fonts etc are missing, one of a few things might have happened:

  • CSS selectors depend on context that is missing to Happo. If you e.g. have something like #start-page .header { color: red } and screenshoot .header, the red color will be missing. This is because Happo only sees the .header element, never the surrounding page.
  • There could be a bug in how happo-e2e collects styles and assets. Reach out to and we'll triage.

I'm migrating from happo-cypress and transformDOM is not working

The transformDOM option is currently not supported in happo-playwright.

If you're migrating from happo-cypress and are using transformDOM to hide content, you may be able to achieve similar results using data-happo-hide.